Yo, this is the Leftover of my bloody Contest Map - you can haz it
ps: I got 2nd place - and didn't even await to win
Original Description
Nice you found over here, you're completely right here, just read on
Hope it won't be too late as I'm writing this because of my compile and upload times and such... (10 kb/s upload *cough*)
You know the story, right?
Well biggest part of the map was done while the latest LAN with Rylius, who commented everything, ty.
Parkpolice - it's just worked out of a mindshot how the courtyard buildings were in my
previus town, or the whole complex was like that - so I adapted a little bit of it, but most is out-of-my-mind.
I didn't put a "Police" sign in front of it or such, I didn't find a good one free2use and it wasn't my plan.
Hope you see it even if there's no big sign with arrows pointing towards it.
Mapping the House was a b*tch but the garden took over 10 quick-compiles to match the plant shaders and such.
I've never tested so much, but yeah I think it got pretty good, testing wasn't that bad, only 9000x missing tex
But Here is what you want to see, screeenz
( click on the screenshots (with your middle mousewheel to open it in a new tab) to view fullsize )
Front View - "Gate" - View Fullsize
Side View - "Side Gate" - View Fullsize
Front View - "Drivethrough" - View Fullsize
Front View - "Ramp" - View Fullsize
Front View - "Entrance" - View Fullsize
You can download the Map on my private Host, would be nice if you mirror them and say me the url
Download (Host: v3nd3tta.de)
WARNING: The Map is Urban Terror HD Alpha3 (latest) ONLY, it has Missing textures in 4.1 / 4.1.1!
It might occur that you have to have some maps in your 'urthdalpha1' folder to make all textures work - I did not have any missing textures at all.
- ut4_tohunga_b8, ut4_facade_b5, ut4_cambridge_b1 and maybe ut4_italy_a4
The Map is made for Scene Detail - the flames might make you lag, sorry for that
Not suited well for Gameplay, enter at your own risk!
Hope you Enjoy
cheers, ~v3nd3tta