I want to know how to make glass, so I found the texture (glass1) from ut_subway.
I also have the shader. Then i test and it looks like in radiant. Why?
What to do so I can make glass that u can see through?
Re: Glass
Are the shader listed in your shaderlist?
Did you move the texture or is it in the folder where you found it?
Did you move the texture or is it in the folder where you found it?
- Posts: 32
- Joined: Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:53 pm
Re: Glass
You could try using the glass provided in the shaders section here on the CMM site, and see if that works: shaders.php
<JohnnyEnglish> that was hours ago, I've been out for a run since then, topped up my pond, fed the fish, took daughter to post office to collect book that postman couldn't deliver, watered tomatos, stood and pondered for 20 minutes and smoked a water pipe
<JohnnyEnglish> also painted my toe nails pink to match this new bag I found
<JohnnyEnglish> and made a carpet from some belly button fluff I found in the cat
<JohnnyEnglish> also painted my toe nails pink to match this new bag I found
<JohnnyEnglish> and made a carpet from some belly button fluff I found in the cat
Re: Glass
There is one form making breakable glass. look trough it http://www.urbanterror.info/support/151 ... e-windows/
Re: Glass
it is a brush and a texture that has a shader linked to it. Nothing else
[12:25] <JohnnyEnglish> morning Nounou
[12:25] <JohnnyEnglish> wotcha doing?
[12:25] <Nounou> hello
[12:26] <Nounou> nothing much, i've nothing to do at work so
[12:26] <Nounou> modeling woman
[12:26] <JohnnyEnglish> woo
[12:26] <JohnnyEnglish> real women?
[12:26] <Nounou> realistic yes, on maya

[12:25] <JohnnyEnglish> wotcha doing?
[12:25] <Nounou> hello
[12:26] <Nounou> nothing much, i've nothing to do at work so
[12:26] <Nounou> modeling woman
[12:26] <JohnnyEnglish> woo
[12:26] <JohnnyEnglish> real women?
[12:26] <Nounou> realistic yes, on maya

Re: Glass
I found the fault.
you have to rename your shaderfile, it can not be called glass.shader as there is a file called this in urt already.
I would reccomand you prefix all your shaders files, texture folders and other assets you make with your name(quick_glass.shader).
The reason the shader dosent work is that it is now overritten by the glass.shader that is in the game.
Renaming the shaderfile should solov the problem.
ps. you need to add shaderfiles in your pk3. no need for the shaderlist.txt tought
I hope that soloved it
you have to rename your shaderfile, it can not be called glass.shader as there is a file called this in urt already.
I would reccomand you prefix all your shaders files, texture folders and other assets you make with your name(quick_glass.shader).
The reason the shader dosent work is that it is now overritten by the glass.shader that is in the game.
Renaming the shaderfile should solov the problem.
ps. you need to add shaderfiles in your pk3. no need for the shaderlist.txt tought
I hope that soloved it