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Versions of Radiant [Which one to use?]

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:12 pm
by xandaxs
[quote=mindriot]As with anything, comfort level is an important consideration. If you currently use a map editor that gets the job done, then it's difficult to make the case for change. We know that every editor listed below is still used today.

If you're new to mapping and are unsure of which to use, then I recommend GTKRadiant 1.6 (ZeroRadiant) for several reasons. It is stable, well supported, in active development, and has gained a strong foothold in the community. Other versions are fine though they do not possesses the current momentum of 1.6.

Here is a breakdown of the different map editors for UrbanTerror (or other Quake 3 based game). They are listed in order of most to least recommended.

[size="3"]ZeroRadiant (1.6):[/size]
Windows XP, Windows 7, OSX, Linux
This map editor preserves the layout and configuration without the stability issues of GTKRadiant 1.4 from which it was forked. Recent development has implemented functionality from GTKRadiant 1.5 and NetRadiant though not all legacy plugins might be supported. Development is active on this version.

Windows XP, Windows 7, OSX, Linux
Forked from GTKRadiant 1.5, this mapping editor preserves the layout and configuration with additional bugfixes and functionality. Additional focus has been placed on improving the packaged q3map2 compiler but though this may be incompatible with UrbanTerror. Development is active on this version.

[size="3"]GTKRadiant 1.5:[/size]
Windows XP, Windows 7, Mac (as MacRadiant 1.5)
Successor to GTKRadiant 1.4, this map editor is considerably more stable. Some layout and configuration changes from 1.4 but nothing insurmountable. Packaged with several useful plugins. No longer developed.

[size="3"]GTKRadiant 1.4:[/size]
Windows XP, Windows 7, Mac (as MacRadiant 1.4)
Oldest version of GTKRadiant still used prevantly. It is known to have stability issues. Some users prefer the layout and configuration over other editors. Packaged with several useful plugins. No longer developed.

[size="3"]Q3Radiant 202/204:[/size]
Windows XP, Windows 7
Before GTKRadiant, there was id Software's original map editor for Quake 3 Arena, Q3Radiant. There is little support for this editor and few (including a skilled UrbanTerror mapper) still use it, but it gets the job done. No longer developed.[/quote]