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Re: Design Process

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:40 pm
by FrankieV
Sounds good to me.

Keep in mind this is not a project about making a map but but a means to explore new ideas as to already available tools that can be used to make a map. 3ds Max is not even a requirement as far as exploring the idea of built assets. It should also be expected that those who wish to be involved may not have the experience of map making and would like to use the opportunity to be involved based on the workload they can handle. So yeah scheduling is not a factor as in you have to have this done by Monday.

Also the position of Art Director is not about making or supplying the necessary ingredients but about controlling the overall design in concept and works with the content artists to ensure that their design concepts match’s the design goals. You only have to supply the texture materials if you want as the design path is modular as to spreading the work load around.

For that matter a side befit is CMM will land up with a fair size catalog of game ready prefabs to chose from.

Re: Design Process

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:54 pm
by Rayne
Where's the fun in working on something if you're not gonna get your hands a little dirty.
Yeah i can direct them and make sure the design is right, but i will actively participate as a builder too.

Re: Design Process

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 3:11 pm
by FrankieV
LOL you bet. I'll be making a building as well. :D

Life is much easier if you have references to work from.

Re: Design Process

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 3:17 pm
by DagF
This is starting to sound fun :D

Re: Design Process

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 3:29 pm
by Rayne
Give me a layout, doesn't even have to be playable or fun, and I'll give you a theme and reference photos.

Re: Design Process

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:38 pm
by DagF
Ill draw a few this weekend and post them on sunday or monday.
It would be nice if others could do the same so we got a few :)

Ill be in the forest till sunday. Cya then :)

Re: Design Process

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:52 pm
by Markinho
Now I have to focus on my exams, I'll join you in a couple of weeks

Re: Design Process

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 2:32 pm
by FrankieV
Sounds good Markinho.

The ideal of a team based project like this is anyone should feel free to jump in at any time and then jump out when RL takes priority.

Re: Design Process

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 4:28 pm
by Rayne
FrankieV wrote:Sounds good Markinho.

The ideal of a team based project like this is anyone should feel free to jump in at any time and then jump out when RL takes priority.

But we all have to be on the same page.
Or better said you all have to be on my page LOL, just kidding. But, if i say something needs to look a certain way, and someone disagrees, i will be ready to discuss it, but if someone says something like "ok i don't like that i don't want to work on it if it's gonna look like that", you're free to leave.
Any form of "my way or I'm out of here" type of crap will result in that person's removal from the team.

Re: Design Process

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:04 pm
by DagF
This is a team effort and everyone gets to say theire word.
Rayne will have the last word in anything design related as he is head of design.
Frankie will have the last word in anything that about the setup and other technical parts.

I think this is what has been missing from erlier tries of teams efforts.
I'm really looking forword for this project :)

I'm scanning a few layouts now and will upload them soon so you can all have a look.
Not sure if they can be used but they might be possible to alter to what we need.
I'm no Delirium so don't expect too much :P