Taking map object requests

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Taking map object requests

Post by Rylius »

I'll gladly do some models if anyone needs them - they'll be built from brushes and patch meshes though, so don't expect extreme details from me.
However they will fit in most maps perfectly since they're aligned on the grid and I'll include accurate clip brushes too

So if you need some trash cans, windows, tables, boats or whatever smaller things you might want to include in your map, just let me know!
Reference screenshots appreciated, textures will probably mostly be from cgtextures.com unless you provide me with other ones :)

Have some things done by me:
Rain - Blog - deviantArt
<Delirium> I did like a reverse jizz
<Delirium> in my pants
<Delirium> my jeans went into my sack
<Delirium> through my dick

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Re: Taking map object requests

Post by nemNEMnem »

Your (brunnen??? :lol: ) wishing well is very nice, but more for medieval-maps, could you create another one, just more modern?

like this one:
for a big tree, you need a small axe.
--Bob Marley--

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