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Re: ut4_nightshade

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:23 pm
by Lunaxe
Yea its very simple (in my opinion), and really makes modeling convenient. That is, outside of the model's texture meta data haha :D Thanks for the encouragement as well, i really appreciate it! With some luck, ill have more screenshots up tonight with the model ingame and textured.

P.S. Two quick questions, if anyone wouldnt mind
-What are the benefits of .ase over .md3 in a nutshell?
-And how can i change my maps textures (ones with alpha channels) to appear properly? I only know how to do that with models, just by using a custom shader :P

Edit- Here's a quick review video of my renditions of Jack's House, the Town Hall, and Finkelstein's Lab. None are in final form just yet, but they're getting to a final stage- (Unfortunately the "youtube" forum function isn't working?)
Once these are done i intend to start on actual Gtk geometry buildings which can be entered/exited as well as whatever else i plan on adding :P

Re: ut4_nightshade

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:04 am
by Lunaxe
Another edit here (im hoping double posts on my own topic are allowed haha)
-Finished with my most prominent secret held within the level
-Working on the "choking fountain", just got the water to appear appropriately
-Finished the first of many enter-able buildings, just have to spice things up with details and decor :P
-Completely redid the terrain, made border hills so that the player will have an illusion of actually being in a world that carries on outside of my map
-Got the town hall in game
-Reworking some of the models, mostly textures though

Again, please let me know if any of you have suggestions! I would have more done but recently got a virus on my mapping computer called "Cloud AV 2012", and ever since i got rid of it, my computers been rather slow :evil: ah well, ill get done what i can and bring the urban terror community something obscure, dark, pretty much completely grey-scale, and wonderful :twisted: wish me luck haha

Re: ut4_nightshade

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:55 am
by johnnyenglish
Good luck Lunaxe - keep going with this map, I'm looking forward to seeing it.

Re: ut4_nightshade

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:52 pm
by Lunaxe
I will man, and thank you :D I just thought id take a quick teaser screen for you all-

It's a bit dark, but not to worry, everything lighting related looks great in-game!

Re: ut4_nightshade

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:12 pm
by DagF
Just one thing i'd like to know. Do you have any layout plan?
I hate to see god maps wasted becouse they have no real layout.

Re: ut4_nightshade

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:12 pm
by Lunaxe
Well here's how i map (i know youre scared already :P)- I have a terrain, general layout, and some buildings and models made. Once im finished populating certain areas with "reference points" (perhaps a specific model, building, etc.) i take a walk in game and decide various things- how i can populate a certain area? How can i add strategic cover? What needs more detail? And on that list goes. So in a way, yes i do. However i dont make a strict layout which i never stray from- i prefer to experiment through gameplay in order to concoct the perfect (or close as i can get haha) map. Sorry about the essay of an answer, i think it's important i convey my intentions appropriately haha :D

I actually mentioned somewhere on this site that i would upload my layout of sorts BUT i have decided to do most of that in secrecy. I want whoever plays this map to turn every corner and think to themselves, "What was this guy smoking?!", in a good way of course

Edit- And another teaser shot of one of my greatest modeling achievements! The choking fountain :twisted:

Re: ut4_nightshade

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:16 pm
by Lunaxe
Here i am, double posting again, primarily because no one can see what i update unless i do that haha :P So to the community here, i have two questions-

First, does anyone know how I can make the fountain look like it's spewing glowy green stuff from its mouth? I've tried learning Null's particle studio, but i dont know how to incorporate anything there in-game, or even save it correctly!

And second, i would like it very much if the community could come up with some strange ideas that i would include in my map. Whether it's architecture, gameplay concepts (such as rooftop play, which my map will have plenty of :D), or secrets here and there- the more opinions and ideas i receive, i would imagine the more varying the map would become, equaling a broader range of players who enjoy it! Thank you!

Re: ut4_nightshade

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:05 pm
by johnnyenglish
Regarding the particle studio, it's really easy to use and is a good way to waste weeks of your life, just changing stuff.

Here's one I used for the fountain thingy.


Notice how I've got everything filled in, I'm on Linux so the paths might look a bit weird.

base path : your mapping folder where you have you maps, scripts, textures, etc

shader name : thats the name of the shaders directly, so if your shaders file is called azlcmb1_fountain.shader you'll have a azlcmb1_fountain folder in your textures, use this

texture name : is the image that will be used in your particle, make a green blob for green blobbiness, a .tga with transparency.

Fiddle around with the studio, make something you like then click the export tab at the bottom, this writes a file called ps_test.txt in your mapping/scripts folder, you can either copy the contents and copy them to your shader file or better still rename ps_test.txt to be mygreenstuff.shaders and include that name in your shaderslist.txt

You might want to search and replace the "textures/ps_test/ps_test" shader names out to be something else.

Erm, last bit

Make a small nodraw brush and texture one face with the first shader in the ps_test.txt file - the end

Re: ut4_nightshade

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:27 pm
by Lunaxe
Short, understandable, and to the point- thanks much man! I plan on getting plenty done tonight, so hopefully you'll see the "fruits" of your teaching sometime soon :lol:

Re: ut4_nightshade

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:10 pm
by DagF
About secrets n stuff. I think we would have to play it to be able to say something like that ;)